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VA Hearing Aids Information

Reviews & Information

There may be no bigger provider of hearing aids than the VA. The VA spends over 51 million dollars each year to distribute over 161,000 hearing aids. This is an incredible amount of money and a big number of hearing aids.

HearingAids1000 would first like to thank and congratulate the VA for being so involved and such a leader in the hearing aid community.

It is important to note that not all veterans are immediately eligible to receive hearing aids. The veterans association actually categorizes the veterans in over six categories. These categories include service level, income and other factors.

Veterans with service related injuries and hearing loss are the only category ensured to qualify for assistance without red tape.

Other categories that make veterans eligible include cumulative disabilities from combat over 10% and being a veteran of WW1 or the period fought over the Mexican border.

The great news is that the VA does not simply provide some generic hearing aid offers. The uses its massive spending power to cut deals with all forms of providers and offers in-canal, behind the ear, cochlear implants, digital, analog and other options in the hearing aids that they provide.

This is a top notch offering that the VA should be very proud of.

Veterans can apply in person or use the internet to begin the process of checking eligibility. Sometimes the easiest way to see if you or a loved one qualifies is to simply pick up the phone and call.

Here is the best number and extension to use: (877) 222-VETS (8387). Once you determine you qualify you will want to follow the standard procedures of receiving a hearing aid including having ear impressions made to make sure your aids fit perfectly.

Hearing aids are very expensive and frustratingly insurance rarely covers them. If you are a veteran and you are suffering hearing loss please do yourself a favor and check if you are covered by the VA Hearing aid policy. It is here to help you and to help repay you for the service you provided.

Top VA Hearing Aids Information Offers: Updated

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