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Hearing Aids 1000 > Hearing Aid Book Reviews

Hearing Aid Book Reviews

Reviews & Information

In this section of Hearing Aids 1000 we will take a look at some of the best books out there on hearing aids and hearing loss.

There is wonderful amount of literature about both the technical side of hearing aids as well as the mental and personal angles of hearing loss. Certainly we will not have time to look at all the literature but hopefully we can provide some insight into what is out there.

“Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids — a Bridge to Healing” by Richard Carmen is the first book we will look at. Carmen has a masters degree in Audiology from California State University and has been in the field for over 25 years.

Carmen begins with the discussion of a powerful experiment he does with his graduate students. He makes them all wear ear plugs for an entire day. As you can imagine they all experience a sense of frustration, yet to the surprise of many, they also feel depression.

Using this insightful opening as a spring board, Carmen goes on to discuss the common self-protective trait of hearing loss denial. He points out that once someone is told they have hearing damage that can not be reversed a very common reaction to help one deal with the news is hearing loss denial. People are afraid to come to terms with the fact that they need hearing aids. The news of hearing loss and the need for hearing aid can strike one’s ego and Carmen does a great deal of addressing this issue in his book.

His book has a robust amount of information relating to the psychology of hearing loss and hearing aids and is a great tool for anyone who has lost their hearing or anyone with a family member in that position. In addition, Carmen provides some hands-on tools to help hearing aids users, including a self-diagnostic test and information on where to find help if it seems that you need it.

We recommend Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids — A Bridge to Healing. This is the work of one of the industries’ best minds in Richard Carmen. This book is worth purchasing and reading.

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