Hearing Aids 1000

Handling the Holidays With Hearing Aids

by Jason on November 30, 2011

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving weekend full of family, football, and great food. Thanksgiving is the start to our holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other religious holiday. These types of large gatherings can be hard for people with hearing aids, simply because there is so much noise going on around them! So here are some tips for you and your families to make hearing during the holidays easier for you.

1. At the dinner table, if you have a “better side” for hearing, make sure the people who you want to talk to the most are seated on that side.
2. Turn off any background music or TV while at the table, and if any pesky sports fans put up a fight, ask them to put the game on mute.
3. Don’t seat yourself facing a window, the glare could make it difficult to see peoples faces and read their lips.
4. After dinner, help out in the kitchen where there are fewer people and you can have better conversations. Drying dishes is a good idea if you want to talk, and washing dishes is better if you want to take a break from conversations.
5. If you miss a joke, story, or important part of a conversation, be pleasant and polite when you ask for it to be repeated. People will want to help you understand if you ask nicely, but if you sound angry or annoyed, chances are they will feel the same.

Over all, just enjoy the holidays! They are one of the best times of the year in my opinion. Happy hearing!!

Top Handling the Holidays With Hearing Aids Offers: Updated

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