Hearing Aids 1000

Hearing aids while driving

by Jason on March 14, 2011

There seems to be a bit of debate about wearing hearing aids while driving. I have read a number of articles and blogs on the topic and people seem to be divided into two camps. The safer (and camp that I am in) suggests that you must absolutely where you hearing aid while you are driving. This camp acknowledges that the revving of the engine can certainly be very annoying but that challenge is outweighed by the safety issue. They correctly point out that to be a safe driver you must be able to hear the cars and sirens around you.

The group of people who argue that you do not need to wear you hearing aids when driving argue that it is simply not comfortable enough to use them and they believe that simply checking mirrors frequently will do the trick. They also suggest that there are some tools that can help identify when sirens are around – some form of warning light that you plug into your lighter. This sounds risky to me.

We would love to have your input on this topic. How are handling hearing aids in your car? How would you like your loved ones to use them or other drivers on the road?

Top Hearing aids while driving Offers: Updated

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