There is so much to say and discuss around the issue of hearing aids and health insurance it is hard to know where to start. On this post, I want to simply look at a piece published on regarding health insurance and hearing aids.
There is a line in their first paragraph that grabbed me and told me I needed to write a post. Here is the line that got me – “While it is understandable that they would refuse to cover them for older adults on the grounds that too many people would want or need them, what about children?”
I am no insurance expert but does high demand now pass for a reason to not insure? Just because many old people need hearing aids, why should the insurance companies not insure them? Anyone have ans answer?
I like where this guy is going with his thought – 100% every child in need of a hearing aid should be given the insurance money to get one, but let’s fight for the adults as well.
No doubt about it, it is a very complicated issue but at the end of the day we need to get people the hearing aids they need. Has anyone on this site experienced a negative battle with insurance companies regarding hearing aids? How about a positive story?