I usually do my blogging at home at night or over the weekend. I am writing today from my desk so it makes sense that the topic today is hearing aids at work. The primary question I have around hearing aids at work is this: do you feel discrimination when you wear the aids?
One of my fears and frustrations is that someone can wear glasses and be perceived as more intellectual and creative while hearing aids may be viewed as a sign of something less. It is frustrating if it is true.
There is no sensible reason that someone at work should be discriminated against for wearing a hearing aid but things are not always sensible. Does anyone reading this blog have any experience with this topic?
What a wonderful story it would be to hear about a company helping to pay for a hearing aid of one of their employees since insurance companies are so against them. That would be a feel good story that I would love to trumpet.
So please, happy or sad, please post any experiences that you have had around hearing aids at work. Let’s spread the knowledge and hope all companies can learn and grow from it!