A hard topic to discuss but one that is very real is children and teens simply refusing to wear their hearing aids. As much as we dislike it, hearing aids are still looked down upon by many in the mainstream. It simply kills me that glasses are a sign of fashion but hearing aids are pushed into the dark to be hidden. All that said, I would love to use this post to discuss the difficulties of getting children to wear the aids that they are often embarrassed about.
What are some tactics that our parents who are reading this have used to encourage children to wear their hearing aids when they refuse? Is bribery a successful tactic? As bad as it sounds, it is probably worth mentioning. I know that when I was a kid my parents got me to finally brush ny teeth by giving me a comic book for every then brushes. Perhaps some similar reward system can be used for children and hearing aids.
How about a serious attempt to educate our children about the benefits of the aids in an effort to get them to want to wear them more. This idea sounds decent on paper but I am afraid education may lose to peer pressure.
I am all out of ideas and turn to the readers. Who can help us brainstorm the best ways to get children to wear hearing aids. Please post anything that you think will be helpful. Thanks!